It lay dormant for a long time. Like, my whole life. And then all the sudden it was there, staring me in the face.
I need to create. Come to think of it, the need began to express itself shortly after we made a decision to stop creating kids. Hmmm. So anyway, I have found a new passion for designing. I never thought I could design. I was always the
numbers girl in any operation, definitely not the
talented member. I was scared to even try it. And then one day I did. And I liked it. I am self-taught.... with a LOT of self-teaching yet to come (and hopefully some professional taught lessons in the mix) and I
love designing. So far my projects have been limited to a very few. Mostly blog backgrounds and board-games. But I'm beginning to branch out. I thought it would be a good idea to have a place to keep track of all my creative vibes. To showcase them to myself and any other soul unfortunate enough to stumble here. The end.